Friday, July 8, 2011

If your air conditioner is not cooling, this may help you in troubleshooting the problem. Air conditioning repair in Chino Hills Ca. by Apco Appliance and Air.....

If your air conditioner is not cooling, this may help you in troubleshooting the problem. Air conditioning repair in Chino Hills Ca. by Apco Appliance and Air. When we arrived at this call the customers inside fan was blowing air out the vents but it was not cool. When the inside fan is blowing the unit outside should start once the thermostat sends 24 volts to the outside contactor. The outside unit was not running so first we checked the breaker (it was not tripped), then we checked the fuses and found 1 bad (you can check the fuses with an ohm meter or take it down to your local hardware store to see if they can check them for you). We installed the fuse and the unit started but the outside fan motor was not turning. This is why the fuse blew. When the fan does not run to cool the outside unit, it over heats and trips the breaker or blows a fuse. We turned the power off and removed the access panel to check the wiring. Wiring was fine so we checked the run capacitor for the fan motor with a capacitor tested and found it was bad. We replaced the capacitor and turned the unit on. Everything ran ok and customer was happy. Here are some pics...

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