Sunday, August 7, 2011

Have you ever wanted to know how to change or set your refrigerator food gasket. Refrigerator repair in Chino Hills Ca. with Apco Appliance and Air......

Have you ever wanted to know how to change or set your refrigerator food gasket. Refrigerator repair in Chino Hills Ca. with Apco Appliance and Air. Changing your refrigerator door gasket can be a pain. If you pull the gasket out, and look underneath, you will see quarter inch screws all around the door. The steps in changing a gasket go like this. First remove everthing from the door because when you loosen the screws the door frame will or can bend out of wack. Second remove the new gasket from its box and put it in your cloths dryer on low for 10 minutes to get all the packing twists and kinks  out of it. While the gasket is in the dryer your Thirdr step is to loosen all screws around the door and then pull gasket out of the metal flashing. Note: take care in removing and look to see how it was put in. Then grab new gasket. Fourth proceed to insert new gasket in and behind the flashing. When gasket is behind flashing your Fifth set is to tighten one or two screws on each four sides of door. Then shut door to make sure the door closes well. If the door is bent you can bend door back and then the Sixth step is to tighten all other screws starting with the corner ones. The last thing you will need to do is heat your gasket to set it to the frame. You can use a hair dryer heating gasket in a wond type waving motion back and forth from left to right or top to bottom. As you heat the gasket you will see open areas close to the frame. This you can do on old gaskets to set them back into place if they gap from door frame. Good luck. Here are some pics....

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